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A Sustainable Earth
"A Sustainable Earth" explains the science behind global climate change, and how energy consumption, solid waste disposal and urban issues impact our natural environment.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:14 hours
Avental mais verde
Veja o que significa sustentabilidade na Starbucks e como você pode incorporá-la na sua vida.
Start date:Disponível agora
Duration:2-3 horas
Being Indispensable
Learn the risks associated with being so great at your job that you become indispensable. Yes, there are risks.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:1-3 hours
Bien accueillir : Cours de base
Ce cours de base de la formation Bien accueillir présente les concepts clés qui seront abordés dans le programme d’études sur les préjugés, l’empathie, la civilité et le dialogue. C’est ici que l’apprentissage commence.
Start date:Disponible dès maintenant
Duration:30 à 60 minutes
Brand vs Reputation
Learn how to close the gap between the personal brand you want to convey and the reputation others may perceive.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:1-3 hours
Budgeting and Managing Your Money
MAS120 Budgeting and Managing Your Money will introduce you to basic budgeting and money managing strategies and techniques to apply when managing your finances.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:2-3 hours
Building Sensory Skills: One Cup at a Time
In this course, you'll build your ability to identify what you smell and taste in your cup. Then you'll practice describing and sharing your sensory experiences with others. And all throughout, you'll form a deeper appreciation for the beverage you already love.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:1-2 hours
Business Leadership Design: Closing the Service Quality Gap
Enhance your company's reputation and increase customer affinity by learning in this lesson the importance of offering quality service to meet customers' expectations of your product or service.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:1-3 hours
Business Leadership Design: Outlining the Customer Experience
Whether your company offers products or services, every touchpoint with your customers matter. Learn a new tactic called service blueprinting to plan a better experience for your business' customers.
Start date:Available Now
Duration:1-3 hours
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